Career Consulting and Coaching

We believe in results

Career Consulting and Coaching

Using our extensive expertise from over 15 years of experience helping professionals, we have carefully developed a collection of career coaching packages and products designed to meet your specific needs, goals and budget.

We enable you to create pathways to success and fulfillment professionally by providing you with:

  • Personalized self-assessment and discovery, to understand your strengths, your values, what career path and goals would be most rewarding and successful for you, and your brand
  • Development of clear career direction and goals and a Strategic Career Planto achieve those goals
  • Development of the skills, tools and confidence to execute the plan including enhanced communication skills, improved management of time and resources, emotional intelligence for personal effectiveness identifying strengths and areas for improvement, the ability to communicate your vision, mission and brand

We offer individual career coaching beginning with a one-hour Starter Consult, expanding to monthly programs, which include two to three coaching sessions, supporting materials and tools, and unlimited access to your career coach between sessions. Coaching is conducted over the phone or virtually using video conferencing tools such as Skype and GoToMeeting.

Throughout the process, you will work one-on-one with a coach or participate in a workshop that covers a range of topics including:

  • Career direction
  • Professional resume development
  • Work performance
  • Job search strategy

Working with a career coach can make the difference between achieving your career goals or falling short of them.